Where You Sleep?

Trekking Mount Rinjani Lombok usually done 2 days or more, of course you’ll need a comfortable bed before or within trekking days.

We have set up and organize all you need to sleep before climbing or within the trekking days, ranging from accommodation in Senaru or Sembalun village or on request and also equipment for camping on the mount Rinjani.

I. For the accommodation before the climb provided also according to your request as follows :

We provide appropriate accommodation for your trip :

Hotel in Sembalun or Senaru with facilities:
1. Queen bed 180 cm or twin bed 120 cm
2. TV
3. Blanket
4. Western Bathroom with Hot and Cold water
5. Towel and Soap.
6. Private verandah
7. Mount Rinjani view
8. Restaurant.

Especially for group package we prepared accommodation in Homestay in Senaru with the facilities :
– Spacious bedroom
– Restaurant
– The area of ​​the parking area
– The private terrace each room
– Bathroom
– Western toilet.
– The bed spring bed
– Blankets and towels.

C. On Request :
We also prepare your request for accommodation in Senggigi or other place within Lombok island.

Note: We will use another accommodation with the same facilities and price if the accommodation that we have mentioned above is full.

II. Accommodation during the hike in Mount Rinjani will be in tents brought up by your porters, we prepare is a fairly broad tent, clean and warm sleeping bag, comfortable mattress and pillows.

Ahmad Hambali

Ahmad Hambali is known as name Mr. Abul, lives and works in Senaru, North Lombok, NTB Indonesia, as the owner of Abul Trekking and Trek Organizer on Mount Rinjani and tours operator in Lombok